Operating instructions
Main menu (operating mode)
Parameter menu (information/programming mode)
Changing parameter values
The boiler controller has two menus: the main menu (operating mode) when the lid is closed, and the parameter menu
(information/programming mode) when the lid is open. Both menus and possibilities are explained in the next paragraphs.
Main menu (operating mode)
lid closed
With the lid closed and by using the rotational switch (1) clockwise or anticlockwise
the boilers’ operating mode (2) can be set. The available modes are:
Standby mode (only frost protection)
Automatic operation mode (heating and DHW)
Summer mode (only DHW, no heating)
Service mode minimum load
Service mode full load (limited by P9)
Besides the operating mode, the display also shows the actual water flow tempera-
ture (3) and, in case of a lockout, a warning triangle (4) combined with a lockout
code (5). The explanation of the lockout codes can be found in chapter
Parameter menu (information/programming mode)
lid open
With the lid open and by using the rotational switch (1) clockwise or anticlockwise
it’s possible to read/change certain values/parameters from the boiler controller.
An arrow at the bottom of the display (2) indicates which parameter has been se-
lected. The available values/parameters are:
P1 Actual / setpoint water flow temperature [ºC]
P2 Actual / setpoint DHW temperature [ºC]
P3 Actual temperature/capacity setpoint for boiler [ºC]*
P4 --
P5 Actual outside temperature [ºC] (if sensor is connected)
P6 Actual fluegas temperature [ºC]
P7 --
P8 Actual low velocity header temperature [ºC] (if sensor is connected)
P9 Actual / Limit boiler output [%]
P10 Password for advanced settings
Press the reset/programming button
to select (the LED lights up)
Turn the rotational switch until the
desired DHW setpoint value has been
Press the reset/programming button
to confirm (the LED goes out)
Close the lid.
Output indications
Power to main gas valve
Power to ignition transformer
Fan control signal
Power to primary boiler pump
Power to DHW pump/diverter valve
Behind the lid you find an optical I/O
connection (6), a reset/programming
button (7) and an alarm/programming
LED (8). Besides the parameter values/
settings, the display also shows additio-
nal information with regard to input and
output indications to and from the boi-
Input indications
Flame ionisation detected
SW Water flow switch active
DW Air pressure switch active
RT Boiler enabled**
Bus Bus communication active
Changing parameter values
For changing any parameters, in the
example parameter P2 (DHW setpoint),
the following procedure should be car-
ried through:
Open the lid (the arrow at the bottom
of the display indicates parameter P1)
Turn the rotational switch clockwise
until the arrow indicates parameter P2
The new value is now activated. All
parameters can be changed by follo-
wing the same procedure as described
**The boiler enable signal is equipped with a jumper in the standard delivery and therefore the boiler will normally be enabled. If a building
management system is connected to provide the enable signal to the boiler (jumper should be removed), check the building management
system if the boiler remains disabled.
* P3 shows the actual temperature setpoint of the boiler, either coming from P1/P2 or from an additional (weather compensated) controller or
building management system (2-10V). When the boiler capacity is controlled via a cascade manager or building management system (2-10V),
P3 shows the actual capacity setpoint of the boiler.
2 5 3 4 1
2 1
6 7 8