8 | Monitoring and diagnostics
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
• L10 = No Link
No connection to another EtherCAT device via X201 (OUT port)
• L11 = Link Detected
Connection to another EtherCAT device via X201 (OUT port)
** EtherCAT network connection – error counter
L0 xx = Link Lost Counter
Number of connection failures (hexadecimal) at X200 (IN port)
L1 xx = Link Lost Counter
Number of connection failures (hexadecimal) at X201 (OUT port)
*** Data error – error counter
R0 xx = Rx Error Counter
Number of data errors (hexadecimal) at X200 (IN port)
R1 xx = Link Lost Counter
Number of data fields (hexadecimal) at X201 (OUT port)
A259 | EtherCAT SM-Watchdog | V1
State of the SyncManager watchdog of the drive controller in the EtherCAT network (prerequisite: A258 = 65534).
[0]: Tolerated failure time (unit: ms)
Specified by the SyncManager watchdog function of the EtherCAT master
[1]: State
0 = not triggered; 1 = triggered = Event 52: Communication, cause 6: EtherCAT PDO-Timeout
[2]: Number of times triggered
A261 | Sync-Diagnostics | V1
Diagnostics of the synchronization of the drive controller in the EtherCAT network.
[0]: Error code
• 0 = No error
• 1 = SyncManager 2 and 3 have different cycle times
• 2 = Cycle time < 1 ms
• 3 = Odd multiple of 1 ms
• 4 = PLL could not be started
• 6 = Drive controller interrupt not initialized, firmware error
[1]: Time difference between the data provision and the Sync 0 signal
[2]: Error counter