8 | Monitoring and diagnostics
02/2020 | ID 443025.06
Check and action
6: EtherCAT PDO-Timeout
Missing process data
Check the task cycle time in the EtherCAT
master and the timeout time in the drive
controller and correct them if necessary (A258)
7: Reserved
Synchronization error
Check the synchronization settings in the
EtherCAT master and correct them if necessary
Connection error
Check the connection and shielding and correct
them if necessary
15: Wrong firmware for
Projected fieldbus identification
and that of the drive controller do
not match
Check the projected fieldbus identification and
fieldbus identification of the drive controller
and change the fieldbus if necessary (E59[2],
Tab. 7: Event 52 – Causes and actions
The following diagnostic parameters are available for EtherCAT communication in combination with SI6 drive controller.
A255 | EtherCAT Device State | V2
State of the drive controller in the EtherCAT network (EtherCAT State Machine, ESM).
0: invalid
1: Init State
No communication between EtherCAT master and slave; the configuration starts, saved values are loaded
2: Pre-Operational state
No PDO communication; the EtherCAT master and slave exchange application-specific parameters via SDOs
4: Requested Bootstrap State
EtherCAT slave sends current actual values to the EtherCAT master, ignores its set values and refers to internal default
8: Operational State
Normal operation: The EtherCAT master and slave exchange set and actual values
17: Error - Init State – 21: Error - Operational State (Details: A257)
A256 | EtherCAT Address | V1
Address of the drive controller in the EtherCAT network (data source: EtherCAT master).