2 | User information
05/2019 | ID 442790.01
User information
This documentation covers the SC6 drive controller. You will receive support for the assembly of the individual modules
along with the associated components that you will need to operate the drive controllers in the control cabinet.
You will also find information on wiring the modules correctly and checking their functionality in the group with an initial
To ensure proper functionality, we recommend using cables from STOBER that are matched to the complete system. If
unsuitable connection cables are used, we reserve the right to reject claims under the warranty.
Storage and transfer
As this documentation contains important information for handling the product safely and efficiently, it must be stored in
the immediate vicinity of the product until product disposal and be accessible to qualified personnel at all times.
Also pass on this documentation if the product is transferred or sold to a third party.
Described product type
This documentation is binding for:
SC6 drive controller in conjunction with the
DriveControlSuite software in V 6.4-B or higher and associated firmware in V 6.4-B or higher.
At the time this documentation was created, the SC6 drive controllers were being prepared for UL certification.
Check whether this document is the most up-to-date version of the documentation. We make the latest document versions
for our products available for download on our website:
Original language
The original language of this documentation is German; all other language versions are derived from the original language.
Limitation of liability
This documentation was created taking into account the applicable standards and regulations as well as the current state of
STOBER shall assume no responsibility for damage resulting from failure to comply with the documentation or from use
that deviates from the intended use of the product. This is especially true for damage caused by individual technical
modifications to the product or projecting and operation of the product by unqualified personnel.