Real-time clock (RTC)
DocID025202 Rev 7
To avoid losing tamper detection events, the signal used for edge detection is logically
ANDed with the corresponding TAMPxE bit in order to detect a tamper detection event in
case it occurs before the RTC_TAMPx pin is enabled.
When TAMPxTRG = 0: if the RTC_TAMPx alternate function is already high before
tamper detection is enabled (TAMPxE bit set to 1), a tamper event is detected as soon
as the RTC_TAMPx input is enabled, even if there was no rising edge on the
RTC_TAMPx input after TAMPxE was set.
When TAMPxTRG = 1: if the RTC_TAMPx alternate function is already low before
tamper detection is enabled, a tamper event is detected as soon as the RTC_TAMPx
input is enabled (even if there was no falling edge on the RTC_TAMPx input after
TAMPxE was set.
After a tamper event has been detected and cleared, the RTC_TAMPx alternate function
should be disabled and then re-enabled (TAMPxE set to 1) before re-programming the
backup registers (RTC_BKPxR). This prevents the application from writing to the backup
registers while the RTC_TAMPx input value still indicates a tamper detection. This is
equivalent to a level detection on the RTC_TAMPx alternate function input.
Tamper detection is still active when V
power is switched off. To avoid unwanted resetting
of the backup registers, the pin to which the RTC_TAMPx alternate function is mapped
should be externally tied to the correct level.
Level detection with filtering on RTC_TAMPx inputs
Level detection with filtering is performed by setting TAMPFLT to a non-zero value. A tamper
detection event is generated when either 2, 4, or 8 (depending on TAMPFLT) consecutive
samples are observed at the level designated by the TAMPxTRG bits.
The RTC_TAMPx inputs are precharged through the I/O internal pull-up resistance before
its state is sampled, unless disabled by setting TAMPPUDIS to 1,The duration of the
precharge is determined by the TAMPPRCH bits, allowing for larger capacitances on the
RTC_TAMPx inputs.
The trade-off between tamper detection latency and power consumption through the pull-up
can be optimized by using TAMPFREQ to determine the frequency of the sampling for level
Refer to the datasheets for the electrical characteristics of the pull-up resistors.
27.3.15 Calibration clock output
When the COE bit is set to 1 in the RTC_CR register, a reference clock is provided on the
RTC_CALIB device output.
If the COSEL bit in the RTC_CR register is reset and PREDIV_A = 0x7F, the RTC_CALIB
frequency is f
. This corresponds to a calibration output at 512 Hz for an RTCCLK
frequency at 32.768 kHz. The RTC_CALIB duty cycle is irregular: there is a light jitter on
falling edges. It is therefore recommended to use rising edges.
When COSEL is set and “P1” is a non-zero multiple of 256 (i.e: PREDIV_S[7:0] =
0xFF), the RTC_CALIB frequency is f
/(256 * (P1)). This corresponds to a
calibration output at 1 Hz for prescaler default values (PREDIV_A = Ox7F, PREDIV_S =
0xFF), with an RTCCLK frequency at 32.768 kHz. The 1 Hz output is affected when a shift
operation is on going and may toggle during the shift operation (SHPF=1).