20 Specifications
The vibration values quoted above have been measured
according to a standardized test procedure and may be used
to compare electric power tools. Depending on the type of
usage, the vibrations that actually occur may differ from the
values quoted. The vibration values quoted may be used for
an initial assessment of the user's exposure to vibrations.
The actual exposure to vibrations has to be estimated. This
process may also take into account times during which the
electric power tool is switched off and times during which it
is switched on but running off load.
Information on compliance with Vibration Directive
2002/44/EC is available at www.stihl.com/vib.
20.6 REACH
REACH is an EC regulation and stands for the Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical
For information on compliance with the REACH regulation
see www.stihl.com/reach.