Starter Rope (ElastoStart)
- Remove the fan housing - see 6.2.
- Remove the starter rope from the
rotor, see "General Servicing,
Troubleshooting" handbook.
- Hold the starter grip firmly to keep
the rope tensioned.
- Let go of the rope rotor and slowly
release the starter grip so that the
rope winds onto the rotor.
• Hold the rope rotor steady.
• Pull out the rope with the starter
grip and straighten it out.
• Grip the rope
to the rotor
and use it to turn the rope rotor six
full turns clockwise.
• Thread end of new rope through the
underside of the starter grip.
- Secure end of rope it with a simple
overhand knot.
• Make a loop in the starter rope.
The rewind spring is correctly
tensioned when the starter grip sits
firmly in the rope guide bush without
drooping to one side. If this is not the
case, tension the spring by one
additional turn.
When the starter rope is fully
extended, it must still be possible to
rotate the rope rotor at least another
half turn before maximum spring
tension is reached. If this is not the
case, pull the rope out, hold the rope
rotor steady and take off one turn of
the rope.
Do not overtension the rewind
spring - it might break.
- Refit the fan housing - see 6.2.
• Ease the cap out of the starter
- Pull the rope out of the starter