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April 6, 2006

Stiga SP 480 Petrol chain saw



SP 480

Allround petrol chain saw for all types of forest work.  


Much effort has been done to secure the user-friendliness. The 
vibration is effective damped by steel-springs according to latest 
technology. It has a large rear handle that content the fuel. The air-
filter is easy to access without any tool. The chain is tensioned 
from the side.  



The SP 480 has a high safety with double acting chain brake pro-
tection as well as a large chain protection cover for front-hand.  


The saw is easy to start with electronic ignition system and has an 
adjustable oil pump.  


It has a moder 2 strok engine of 44 cc and 1,9 kW. Bar is available 
from 33 cm and up.  


