Appendix B Terminal Menu Reference
RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
Page 79 of 109
*** Serial Port Configuration Menu ***
Main Port: 19200 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data, 1 Stop, No Flow
Main Port: Packet Timers: Output = Disabled, Input = Disabled
Main Port: Rx Buffer Limit = 3072
(B) Baud Rate Menu
(F) Flow Control Menu
(N) No Parity
(E) Even Parity
(O) Odd Parity
(1) One Stop Bit
(2) Two Stop Bits
(7) Seven Bit Data
(8) Eight Bit Data
(A) Advanced Functions Menu
(D) Set to Defaults
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 45: Main serial port configuration menu
Baud Rate Menu:
Selects the serial port baud rate for this port.
Flow Control Menu:
Selects the flow control method used for this port. The main port supports
both hardware and software flow control, while the auxiliary port only supports software flow
No Parity / Even Parity / Odd Parity:
Selects the parity to use on the serial port.
One Stop Bit / Two Stop Bits:
Selects the number of stop bits to use on the serial port.
Seven Bit Data / Eight Bit Data:
Selects the number of data bits to use on the serial port.
Set to Defaults:
Restores the factory default settings for the serial port. The factory defaults are
given in Appendix D on page 105.