Appendix B Terminal Menu Reference
RFI-9256 Radio Modem User Manual
Page 75 of 109
B.2.2 (C) Configure Protocol Menu
*** Configure Protocol Menu ***
Main Port: Protocol Type: Hayes Dialup
(M) Hayes Command Control Menu
(R) Route Manager Menu
(L) Link Control Menu
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 40: Configure protocol menu
B.2.2.1 (M) Hayes Command Control Menu
*** Hayes Command Control Menu ***
Main Port: Hang-up on DTR Dropped, Echo is ON, Response is ON, Auto-answer is
Escape character = + Escape guard time = 1000ms
Connect Timeout = 9985ms
Ring Count = 1
(C) Connect Timeout
(X) Escape character (ie +)
(G) Escape guard time
(H) Hang-up on DTR (low)
(Z) Hang-up on DTR Dropped
(L) Local on DTR (low)
(I) Ignore DTR
(E) Echo (ON/OFF)
(R) Response codes (ON/OFF)
(A) Auto-answer (ON/OFF)
(N) Set Max Rings
(D) Set to Defaults
(Esc) Previous Menu
Enter Choice:
Figure 41: Hayes command control menu