Info & settings Matrix 6 / 6R______________________________________________________________________________5
2. Info & settings Matrix 6 / 6R
Once upon a time there was a Matrix 1000, having an elder, slightly dull-witted brother, the Matrix 6 with an
operating system for unknown reasons left 'imperfect' (last official:
). Until now it therefore still suffers
from problems when someone tries to change it's parameters over midi. As the Matrix6 is capable to sound
simply magical – maybe even a bit cuter than the Matrix 1000 – we tried everything possible to open it's
lukewarm heart to us nevertheless. Since OS update versions
from Rob Grieb everything looks much
better, more on the OS updates below.
The following text is about the Matrix's issues with it's original OS V2.13. We describe the main problems as well
as the solutions, the Programmer offers. For keeping frustration at minimum when using the Programmer with
the Matrix 6 it is highly recommended to read the following.
Problem 1 – laging parameters being changed over midi
Due to the Matrix 6's hardware architecture many parameters react quite awkward when trying to change them
over midi. These parameters are sent by the Programmer with a timedelay or – in other words – not updated so
often per second, to allow the Matrix completing it's tasks before getting the next command. Using the full data
speed midi allows would risk the Matrix 6 to hang up.
Problem 2 – some parameters not reacting at all
Some parameters do not react at all when trying to change them with the normal 'Parameter-Change'
the complete modulation matrix
negative values for bipoar modulations (e.g. DCO1 PW<LFO2 -15, ENV 2 VELOCITY -01, ...)
Of course we want to change these nevertheless. In such cases the Programmer sends the whole program to the
Matrix 6. This takes a tiny bit longer than an ordinary 'small' parameter change command. Ringing notes will be
cut off. But it works quite perfect.
Problem 3 – no editbuffer
An 'editbuffer' is a memory holding the current patch data; a copy of the patch as it was read from memory. The
Matrix6 offers such an edit buffer but it refuses cooperation when trying to fill it over midi. Means: patch dumps
are always written into the program memory – like a real saving – overwriting your current program! The Synth
Programmer offers a COMPARE funktion to revert to the original program as it was read from the Matrix 6's
memory – as long as you do not switch the Programmer off or jump to another program. Nevertheless the clear
when working on patches being important to you – please work on a copy of it on another patch
Restrictions for using the Synth Programmer together with the Matrix 6 OS V2.13
For any changes of the modulation matrix and the negative values of bipolar parameters the whole patch will be
dumped into the Matrix. Consequences:
Changes will not be displayed on the Matrix 6 itself
Changes behave not that smooth and are cutting held/ringing notes
the currently selected patch in Matrix will be overwritten!
General restrictions about Midi Parameter Change commands:
some paras like e.g. Cutoff react sluggish
some paras like e.g. bipolar fixed modulations (DCO1<LFO1, VCF F<ENV1 etc.) react very sluggish
Synth Programmer for Oberheim Matrix - Operation manual V 1.6 – 05/2020
© Stereoping Germany, Meschede 2020