Home Automation System Integration
The Model P200 is compatible with home automation systems via the RS232 and network connector
on the rear socket panel. The Model P200’s IR and trigger connections can also be programmed for
use in a home automation system.
IP Control
Open a TCP connection on port 84 and use the same protocol as on the serial interface (please see
the Model P200 Serial Control Manual). Use Telnet, Putty, or similar programs to open the TCP
If you do not know the IP address of the Model P200 on your local network, the Model P200 supports
Apple´s Bonjour Discovery service, which must be on the computer you want to set up the Model
P200 with. The software is built-in as part of the Apple OS X operating system (not iOS devices). For
Windows operating systems, the software can be found at
Pressing the OK button on the remote and toggling through Info will also display the current IP
address of the unit.
Access the Model P200 by going to
in your browser.