To display attendee information on the RoomWizard front panel or
use One-Click Publishing, the user’s mail files must be accessible to
the account by which the synchronization software was signed.
Troubleshooting Lotus Domino set up
The RoomWizard Domino Synchronization Software is not
synchronizing with the Domino server.
Can the server be accessed in a web browser by typing the server
access URL?
If this does not produce an XML page, but rather a login prompt,
attempt to login with the access account information. The server
document has an option for more name variations.
If an error retrieving page or not accessible error occurs, try typing
in FQDN or IP for the server. This should produce the RoomWizard
homepage. If not, check server task for HTTP running.
If the HTTP task is running but still not able to access the
homepage, try restarting server.
If the RoomWizard homepage is still not appearing, check the IP
address on the server and DNS entries.
Does the “access account” have higher access then allowed in the
advanced tab within the synchronization software’s ACL?
Placing the synchronization software and resource.nsf on
different servers.
Check the server document (Security > Trusted Servers) on both
Are the location, name, server, and organization entered correctly
into the synchronization software document?
Are the servers accessible across the domain and from the same
certification process?
The Server is busy with requests and slows down other user
Decrease the “Poll interval” on the RoomWizard Setup > Device >
Synchronization page.
Place fewer RoomWizards on the server and have the other
RoomWizards synchronize through another server.
To enable One-Click Publishing:
Go to Room > Whiteboards. (If using firmware version 3.2 or higher,
this is found in Room > Facilities.)
Enter the FQDN or IP address of the whiteboard.
Click “Add.”
Domino calendaring and scheduling
The Domino Calendar and Scheduling System is based on an email
“store and forward routing” model. Mail routing must be correctly
configured for reservations to be created by an individual user. The
Synchronization Software requires that the Domino server place no
requirements on the “Domain” topology of the Domino system.
Servers that contain the RWConnector, Resource Reservation
database (described below), Domain directory (names.nsf), FreeTime
(busytime.nsf or clubusy.nsf), and all user’s mail files that will be
scheduling and using resources with RoomWizards must be
placed in each Server configuration document in the “Security” tab
as “trusted servers” and “ACL entries” for the ID that signed the