January 2009
Rev 1
User manual
TN100 RF evaluation kit
This document describes the TN100 RF evaluation kit (TN100/M32B-EVAL) used to
evaluate the capabilities of the TN100 device for ranging operations and RF data
transmission based on the Chirp technology.
The entire package consists of two TN100 sensor boards (version 1.1) and a complete
software package.
Both boards are exactly the same and are equipped with:
a board (TN100-RCM) which integrates both an STM32 microcontroller and a TN100
a set of sensors to detect temperature and accelerations
one reset (S1) and three general-purpose buttons (S2 to S4)
four general-purpose LEDs (LD1 to LD4), Tx/Rx activity LED (LD5), power supply LED
The sensor boards act as source of information providing data regarding distance
measurement (ranging), temperature, accelerations, and status.
The software consists of:
The ST TN100 Application running on a host PC used to interact with the sensor boards
and easily perform ranging operations, packet data transmission, and retrieval of on-
board sensor data. Additionally, it offers a graphical representation of the two-node
network constituted by the sensor boards.
Firmware running on the STM32 microcontroller including: driver for the TN100 device,
drivers for all the sensors such as MEMS, temperature, internal protocol used to
exchange data, and commands, among nodes and the PC.
More details on boards and software are provided in the following sections.
Figure 1.
TN100 sensor board with STM32 microcontroller
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