RM0453 Rev 2
Real-time clock (RTC)
used to define when the calendar is incremented by 1 second, using the SSR least
significant bits.
Real-time clock and calendar
The RTC calendar time and date registers are accessed through shadow registers which
are synchronized with PCLK (APB clock). They can also be accessed directly in order to
avoid waiting for the synchronization duration.
RTC_SSR for the subseconds
RTC_TR for the time
RTC_DR for the date
Every RTCCLK periods, the current calendar value is copied into the shadow registers, and
the RSF bit of RTC_ICSR register is set (see
Section 32.6.10: RTC shift control register
). The copy is not performed in Stop and Standby mode. When exiting these
modes, the shadow registers are updated after up to 4 RTCCLK periods.
When the application reads the calendar registers, it accesses the content of the shadow
registers. It is possible to make a direct access to the calendar registers by setting the
BYPSHAD control bit in the RTC_CR register. By default, this bit is cleared, and the user
accesses the shadow registers.
When reading the RTC_SSR, RTC_TR or RTC_DR registers in BYPSHAD = 0 mode, the
frequency of the APB clock (f
) must be at least 7 times the frequency of the RTC clock
The shadow registers are reset by system reset.
Calendar ultra-low power mode
It is possible to reduce drastically the RTC power consumption by setting the LPCAL bit in
the RTC_CALR register. In this configuration, the whole RTC is clocked by ck_apre instead
of RTCCLK or ck_apre. Consequently, some flags delays are longer, and the calibration
window is longer (refer to
Section : Calibration ultra-low-power mode
The LPCAL bit is ignored (assumed to be 0) when asynchronous prescaler division factor
(P1) is not a power of 2.
Switching from LPCAL=0 to LPCAL=1 or from LPCAL=1 to LPCAL=0 is not immediate and
requires a few ck_apre periods to complete.
32.3.7 Programmable
The RTC unit provides programmable alarm: alarm A and alarm B. The description below is
given for alarm A, but can be translated in the same way for alarm B.
The programmable alarm function is enabled through the ALRAE bit in the RTC_CR
The ALRAF is set to 1 if the calendar subseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, date or day
match the values programmed in the alarm registers RTC_ALRMASSR and
RTC_ALRMAR. Each calendar field can be independently selected through the MSKx bits
of the RTC_ALRMAR register, and through the MASKSSx bits of the RTC_ALRMASSR