AES hardware accelerator (AES)
RM0453 Rev 2
AES hardware accelerator (AES)
23.1 Introduction
The AES hardware accelerator (AES) encrypts or decrypts data, using an algorithm and
implementation fully compliant with the advanced encryption standard (AES) defined in
Federal information processing standards (FIPS) publication 197.
The peripheral supports CTR, GCM, GMAC, CCM, ECB, and CBC chaining modes for key
sizes of 128 or 256 bits.
AES is an AMBA AHB slave peripheral accessible through 32-bit single accesses only.
Other access types generate an AHB error, and other than 32-bit writes may corrupt the
register content.
The peripheral supports DMA single transfers for incoming and outgoing data (two DMA
channels required).
AES main features
Compliance with NIST
“Advanced encryption standard (AES)
FIPS publication 197
from November 2001
128-bit data block processing
Support for cipher key lengths of 128-bit and 256-bit
Encryption and decryption with multiple chaining modes:
Electronic codebook (ECB) mode
Cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
Counter (CTR) mode
Galois counter mode (GCM)
Galois message authentication code (GMAC) mode
Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode
51 or 75 clock cycle latency in ECB mode for processing one 128-bit block of data with,
respectively, 128-bit or 256-bit key
Integrated round key scheduler to compute the last round key for ECB/CBC decryption
AMBA AHB slave peripheral, accessible through 32-bit word single accesses only
256-bit write-only register for storing the cryptographic key (eight 32-bit registers)
128-bit register for storing initialization vector (four 32-bit registers)
32-bit buffer for data input and output
Automatic data flow control with support of single-transfer direct memory access (DMA)
using two channels (one for incoming data, one for processed data)
Data-swapping logic to support 1-, 8-, 16- or 32-bit data
Possibility for software to suspend a message if AES needs to process another
message with a higher priority, then resume the original message