Low-power universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (LPUART)
RM0453 Rev 2
Full-duplex asynchronous communications
NRZ standard format (mark/space)
Programmable baud rate
From 300 baud to 9600 baud using a 32.768 kHz clock source.
Higher baud rates can be achieved by using a higher frequency clock source
Two internal FIFOs to transmit and receive data
Each FIFO can be enabled/disabled by software and come with status flags for FIFOs
Dual clock domain with dedicated kernel clock for peripherals independent from PCLK.
Programmable data word length (7 or 8 or 9 bits)
Programmable data order with MSB-first or LSB-first shifting
Configurable stop bits (1 or 2 stop bits)
Single-wire Half-duplex communications
Continuous communications using DMA
Received/transmitted bytes are buffered in reserved SRAM using centralized DMA.
Separate enable bits for transmitter and receiver
Separate signal polarity control for transmission and reception
Swappable Tx/Rx pin configuration
Hardware flow control for modem and RS-485 transceiver
Transfer detection flags:
Receive buffer full
Transmit buffer empty
Busy and end of transmission flags
Parity control:
Transmits parity bit
Checks parity of received data byte
Four error detection flags:
Overrun error
Noise detection
Frame error
Parity error
Interrupt sources with flags
Multiprocessor communications: wakeup from Mute mode by idle line detection or
address mark detection