Getting started
Doc ID 16999 Rev 5
1.7 Software
demonstration applications
The following installer files are available on the STM32W 32-bit RF microcontroller
webpages at www.st.com/stm32w:
ST ZigBee RF4CE- installer file which provides the STM32W108
ZigBee RF4CE software library and demonstration applications for controlling an
RF4CE compliant TV using an RF4CE compliant remote control.
ST Simple MAC- installer file which provides the STM32W108
Simple MAC software library and demonstration applications targeting point-to-point
communication scenarios based on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol.
For a detailed description of each software and documentation tree, refer to the related
documentation (starting from the HTML index file, that comes with each installer file).
Each installer file also provides a set of prebuilt binary images (applications and utilities).
Please check for the most recent installer file versions on the STM32W 32-bit RF MCUs
Internet webpages at www.st.com/stm32w.
1.8 Kit
Powering on the boards
Each application board can be powered as follows:
Via batteries (fit 1-2 on the P2 jumper)
Via USB or JTAG (fit 5-6 on the P2 jumper)
The jumper position 3-4 is reserved for internal usage.
To enable the application board temperature, MEMS and infrared sensors, fit jumper JP1.
The MB850 extension board is designed as an IEEE 802.15.4 application-specific
daughterboard. It must be connected to the STM32-Primer2 extension connector to be
powered through the STM32-Primer2. The MB850 should be connected with the
STM32W108 visible.
1.8.2 Installing
drivers for USB virtual COM
In order to use the serial communication channel on an application board, a driver for the
FTDI USB<-> Serial converter or a Virtual COM port driver for an STM32F103xx must be
installed. The correct driver to install is based on the application board revision number.
The following application boards requires the driver FTDI USB <-> Serial converter:
MB851 Rev A
MB851 Rev B
MB954 Rev A
The related drivers can be downloaded from the FTDI website at
All other application boards require the STMicroelectronics Virtual COM port driver which is
automatically installed during the installation procedure of each available RF software library