STM32U575I-EV Evaluation board information
Product marking
The stickers located on the top or bottom side of the PCB provide product information:
Product order code and product identification for the first sticker
Board reference with revision, and serial number for the second sticker
On the first sticker, the first line provides the product order code, and the second line the product identification.
On the second sticker, the first line has the following format: “MBxxxx-Variant-yzz”, where “MBxxxx” is the board
reference, “Variant” (optional) identifies the mounting variant when several exist, "y" is the PCB revision and "zz"
is the assembly revision, for example B01. The second line shows the board serial number used for traceability.
Evaluation tools marked as “ES” or “E” are not yet qualified and therefore not ready to be used as reference
design or in production. Any consequences deriving from such usage will not be at ST charge. In no event, ST will
be liable for any customer usage of these engineering sample tools as reference designs or in production.
“E” or “ES” marking examples of location:
On the targeted STM32 that is soldered on the board (For an illustration of STM32 marking, refer to the
STM32 datasheet “Package information” paragraph at the
Next to the evaluation tool ordering part number that is stuck or silk-screen printed on the board.
Some boards feature a specific STM32 device version, which allows the operation of any bundled commercial
stack/library available. This STM32 device shows a "U" marking option at the end of the standard part number
and is not available for sales.
In order to use the same commercial stack in his application, a developer may need to purchase a part number
specific to this stack/library. The price of those part numbers includes the stack/library royalties.
STM32U575I-EV product history
Product identification VA32U575I$AT1
This product identification is composed of:
The MB1550 revision C02 STM32U575I-EV mother board
The MB989 revision C01 LCD daughterboard
The MB1242 revision B01 Octo-SPI memory daughterboard
The MB1379 revision A05 camera daughterboard
device with revision code "X". The limitations of this revision are detailed
in the errata sheet
STM32U575xx and STM32585xx device errata
Product limitations
No limitation identified for this product identification.
Board revision history
Board MB1550 revision C02
The revision C02 is the first official release of the MB1550 mother board.
Board limitations
No limitation identified for this board revision.
Board MB989 revision C01
Board limitations
No limitation identified for this board revision.
STM32U575I-EV Evaluation board information
Rev 1
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