5V_CHG power source
5V_CHG is the DC power charger connected to CN26 USB STLINK-V3E. In this case, the JP25 jumper must be
set on [9-10] to select the 5V_CHG power source. If the STM32U575I-EV board is powered by an external USB
charger, then the debug is not available. If a computer is connected instead of the charger, the current limitation is
no more effective. In this case, the computer may be damaged. To avoid this risk, it is recommended to select the
5V_STLK mode.
5V_CHG power source configuration for the JP25 jumper is described in
Figure 19.
JP25 [9-10]: 5V_CHG power source
With this JP25 configuration: 5V_CHG, the USB_PWR protection is bypassed. Never use this configuration with
a computer connected instead of the charger, because as the USB_PWR_protection is bypassed, and if the
board consumption is more than 500 mA, this can damage the computer.
In case the maximum current consumption of the STM32U575I-EV board with its extension boards exceeds
500 mA, it is recommended to power the STM32U575I-EV board using an external power supply connected to
5V_EXT or 5V_DC.
Power supply
Rev 1
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