DocID024597 Rev 5
Comparator (COMP)
22 Comparator
22.1 Introduction
The device embeds two ultra-low power comparators COMP1, and COMP2
The comparators can be used for a variety of functions including:
Wake-up from low-power mode triggered by an analog signal,
Analog signal conditioning,
Cycle-by-cycle current control loop when combined with a PWM output from a timer.
22.2 COMP
Each comparator has configurable plus and minus inputs used for flexible voltage
Multiplexed I/O pins
DAC Channel1 and Channel2
Internal reference voltage and three submultiple values (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) provided by
scaler (buffered voltage divider)
Programmable hysteresis
Programmable speed / consumption
The outputs can be redirected to an I/O or to timer inputs for triggering:
Break events for fast PWM shutdowns
Comparator outputs with blanking source
The two comparators can be combined in a window comparator
Each comparator has interrupt generation capability with wake-up from Sleep and Stop
modes (through the EXTI controller)