DocID024597 Rev 5
Peripherals interconnect matrix
10.3.16 From
(ADC1/ADC2/ADC3) to DFSDM (only for
STM32L496xx/4A6xx devices)
Up to 3 internal ADC results can be directly connected through a parallel bus to DFSDM
input in order to use DFSDM filtering capabilities.
The feature is described as part of DFSDM peripheral description in
Input from internal ADC
The possible connections are given in:
Section 24.7.1: DFSDM channel configuration y register (DFSDM_CHyCFGR1)
Bits 13:12 DATMPX[1:0]: Input data multiplexer for channel y
Section 24.7.5: DFSDM channel data input register (DFSDM_CHyDATINR) (y=0..7)
Bits 31:16 INDAT0[15:0]: Input data for channel y or channel y+1
Bits 15:0 INDAT0[15:0]: Input data for channel y
Active power mode
Run, Sleep, Low-power run, Low-power sleep.