Serial peripheral interface (SPI)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Configuring the SPI for Simplex communication
The SPI is capable of operating in simplex mode in 2 configurations.
1 clock and 1 bidirectional data wire
1 clock and 1 data wire (receive-only or transmit-only)
1 clock and 1 bidirectional data wire (BIDIMODE=1)
This mode is enabled by setting the BIDIMODE bit in the SPI_CR1 register. In this mode
SCK is used for the clock and MOSI in master or MISO in slave mode is used for data
communication. The transfer direction (Input/Output) is selected by the BIDIOE bit in the
SPI_CR1 register. When this bit is 1, the data line is output otherwise it is input.
1 clock and 1 unidirectional data wire (BIDIMODE=0)
In this mode, the application can use the SPI either in transmit-only mode or in receive-only
Transmit-only mode is similar to full-duplex mode (BIDIMODE=0, RXONLY=0): the data
are transmitted on the transmit pin (MOSI in master mode or MISO in slave mode) and
the receive pin (MISO in master mode or MOSI in slave mode) can be used as a
general-purpose IO. In this case, the application just needs to ignore the Rx buffer (if
the data register is read, it does not contain the received value).
In receive-only mode, the application can disable the SPI output function by setting the
RXONLY bit in the SPI_CR2 register. In this case, it frees the transmit IO pin (MOSI in
master mode or MISO in slave mode), so it can be used for other purposes.
To start the communication in receive-only mode, configure and enable the SPI:
In master mode, the communication starts immediately and stops when the SPE bit is
cleared and the current reception stops. There is no need to read the BSY flag in this
mode. It is always set when an SPI communication is ongoing.
In slave mode, the SPI continues to receive as long as the NSS is pulled down (or the
SSI bit is cleared in NSS software mode) and the SCK is running.
25.3.5 Data
transmission and reception procedures
Rx and Tx buffers
In reception, data are received and then stored into an internal Rx buffer while In
transmission, data are first stored into an internal Tx buffer before being transmitted.
A read access of the SPI_DR register returns the Rx buffered value whereas a write access
to the SPI_DR stores the written data into the Tx buffer.