Example code
An example code that includes the FCCU settings and how to inject the faults according to the above list is
available upon request. This is the summary of the actions done in the example code:
Initialize the MCU (clocks and IPs);
Reset the RGM and clear its registers;
Initialize the FCCU for all the testable faults:
Enabled the FCCU input
Set the FCCU input as SW recoverable
No reset action (except for SWT_2 input)
Enable Interrupt with timeout (FCCU state machine goes to alarm state in case of fault)
Enable output pins
For each fault identified as "testable" the software:
Verify the FCCU status before injection
If it is in normal state, proceed, otherwise, if it is in alarm or fault state, stop
Inject it (using the registers of the monitor or using fake fault injection or a SW procedure, if possible)
Verify the FCCU status after injection
If it is in alarm state, proceed, otherwise, if it is in normal or fault state, stop
Check FCCU reaction (IRQ and relevant FCCU fault flag)
Clear the monitor fault and the FCCU alarm state
Verify the FCCU status after recovering from alarm
If it is in normal state, proceed, otherwise, if it is in alarm or fault state, stop
Example code
Rev 1
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