June 2017
DocID030479 Rev 2
User manual
STM32 Nucleo pack for USB Type-
C™ and Power Delivery with
the Nucleo-F072RB board and the STUSB1602
The USB Type-
C™ and Power Delivery Nucleo pack P-NUCLEO-USB002 includes:
the NUCLEO-F072RB board
the P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board based on the certified STUSB1602 USB Type-C port
controller with PD PHY and BMC driver
a full-featured Type-C cable
These components, together with the X-CUBE-USB-PD certified STM32F0 USB Type-C PD middleware
stack, form a platform for demonstrating USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery (USB PD) capabilities
and facilitating solution development.
The new USB PD protocol expands USB functionality by providing up to 100 W power over the same
cable used for data communication. Devices supporting the protocol are able to negotiate voltage and
current over the USB power pins and define their roles as Provider or Consumer accordingly.
Once the platform is configured, the embedded demonstration firmware can signal cable status
(attached or detached) and orientation information, as well as the role of each of the two ports.
Figure 1: P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit