DocID029990 Rev 1
PMOD and STMod+ schematic table
Appendix C
PMOD and STMod+ schematic table
gives the description of the signals available on the STMod+ connector. It also
shows which signal is shared with other board connectors (such as PMOD or Arduino Uno
V3). A switch controlled by software is present to select which function is used (using PI10
and PH15 PIOs). Analog signals are in brackets [xxx]. The I
C bus is shared with the
Arduino Uno V3 connectors. It is recommended to check the device slave address when
adding it to the bus. Refer to the following list of acronyms before reading the
RTS7 stands for USART7_RTS
ADC2.4 stands for ADC_2_IN4
T8.4 stands for TIM_8_CH4
MOSI5 stands for SPI_5_MOSI