DebonAir Spring Installation
D e b o n A i r S p r i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n
Apply a liberal amount of grease evenly around the end of a clean
Apply a liberal amount of grease evenly around the end of a clean
plastic dowel, approximately 150 mm from one end. Use the dowel to
plastic dowel, approximately 150 mm from one end. Use the dowel to
apply the grease to the inside surface of the upper tube, approximately
apply the grease to the inside surface of the upper tube, approximately
150 mm into the tube.
150 mm into the tube.
Apply a liberal amount of grease to the air spring shaft.
Apply a liberal amount of grease to the air spring shaft.
Apply grease to the air piston and seal head outer o-rings/seals.
Apply grease to the air piston and seal head outer o-rings/seals.
150 mm