BoXXer DebonAir Upgrade and Travel Change Kit Installation
B o X X e r D e b o n A i r U p g r a d e a n d T r a v e l C h a n g e K i t I n s t a l l a t i o n
F o r k R e m o v a l
We recommend the following steps to remove your BoXXer from the bicycle. Removing the fork from the bicycle provides easy access to internal
components and is more convenient than working around a complete bicycle.
Secure the bicycle in a bicycle work stand.
Secure the bicycle in a bicycle work stand.
To assist you with post-service assembly, record the distance from the
To assist you with post-service assembly, record the distance from the
top of the upper tube to the top of the lower crown.
top of the upper tube to the top of the lower crown.
Loosen and unthread the spring side Maxle DH counter-clockwise
Loosen and unthread the spring side Maxle DH counter-clockwise
three full turns.
three full turns.
6 mm