RS Lever Blade Installation
R S L e v e r B l a d e I n s t a l l a t i o n
Use needle nose pliers to install the SwingLink bushings.
Use needle nose pliers to install the SwingLink bushings.
If the SwingLink bushings fall out easily, apply a small amount of DOT
If the SwingLink bushings fall out easily, apply a small amount of DOT
grease to the bushings to help hold them in place.
grease to the bushings to help hold them in place.
Place the SwingLink pushrod into the piston.
Place the SwingLink pushrod into the piston.
Line up the hole in the SwingLink with the hole in the bushings, then
Line up the hole in the SwingLink with the hole in the bushings, then
push the pivot pin into the hole until it stops.
push the pivot pin into the hole until it stops.
Needle nose pliers