SPX RADIODETECTION 6100-Cu Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1



Multifunction Phone Network Analyzer and Copper Tester


User guide

Radiodetection’s 6100-Cu is a handheld device designed to qualify and troubleshoot 

copper-loop plant using pass/fail-driven automated functionalities.

Cable connections


 To ensure optimal performance, run Test Lead Compensation on a regular basis.

Copper main menu

To access the Copper Main Menu:

1.  From 


, select 

Copper Test 

and press 


open the 

Copper Main

 menu page.

2.  Navigate to each icon using the up / down left / right 

arrow keys on the keypad.

3.  Press to run a test, bring up the sub-menu, or perform 

the application of the selected icon.


Test Configuration

 provides the utilities to setup 

test parameters.



 allows you to configure parameters common 

to all tests.

•  Dialer

 allows you to place POTS calls using the unit 

as a telephone (with the built-in speaker or external 

headset) and the on-screen phone keypad as a 

dialer. If FED option is enabled, the 


 icon will 

appear in the Multimeter menu.

•  FED Control 

is an optional feature. If enabled, the icon appears on the 

Copper Main


page. The feature tells the test set to detect and control the Teletech TS125 or Viavi 

UltraFEDTM IIB remote FED (far end device) during testing.


Result Manager

 allows you to view, 





 any of your previously 

saved test results.

Note: System Settings

 can be found on the Home pane and allow you to set the 

parameters of the unit. 

This guide is intended as a quick reference guide only. For detailed instructions, including 

the use of accessories, please refer to the 6100-Cu Operation manual, which is available to 

download from 



Viewing Test Results continued

Frequency tests


Tests included are: 

VF/AC Balance, WB Balance, WB 

Attenuation, Return Loss, Load Coils, Locator Tone, TX/

RX Tone


RX Tone with FED

. Select an icon to run a 

test, which then displays pass/fail status and detailed results 

(except locator tone).


WB Balance, WB Attenuation, Return Loss Sweep, Load 


, and 

RX Multiple Tone with FED

 display results in 

graphical format. For 

WB Balance

, you can view the graph in 

portrait /landscape mode. The 

Select Graph

 button opens a new 

selection of function keys which allow you to maneuver the graph.


Threshold Settings

 can be set within each test that provide a 

pass/fail status.




 test locates cable faults and displays the reflections 

and their distances, in text and graphical measurements, so 

that you can find and resolve faults. Graphs can be displayed 

in either 




 mode, and a 

Cursor / Marker


can be independently selected displaying the distance Δ (Delta) 

value between them on the top-center of the graph.
There are 3 modes of operation:


Auto TDR

 automatically determines the length of the cable, 

finds the nearest significant event, and configures the 

parameters, updating results in real time, until you stop the 


Variable Gain

 automatically increases the amplitude 

gain as distance increases on the graph. Options are: 

Disabled / Enabled


Disabled / Enabled with Auto Scale.



Manual TDR does not automate any function or settings and 

gives you full control over TDR parameters such as 


Gain, VOP,


Pulse Width;


Current Trace

, which is 

only available in this mode.





 test allows you to detect and isolate split pairs or electrical dissimilarities 

between tip (A) and ring (B) copper wires which may be causing service disruptions. The test 

transmits on pair one and receives on pair two to locate the split pairs. A hookup diagram pops 

up at the start of the test, showing you how to connect your cables.



Single Pair

 test locates resistive faults between T-G/A-E, or R-G/B-E.


Connect the strap to the far end of the wires connected to T/A and R/B.


Separate Good Pair test determines the distance to a short, ground, or battery cross in a 

faulty cable pair using a separate good cable pair.


Connect a first strap to the far ends of the wires connected to 

T1/A1 and T/A, and a second strap to the far ends of the wires 

connected to T/A and R/B.



 locates faults on both conductors of one pair; 

specialized for detecting double faults. One of the faults must 

be greater in resistance than the fault on the other pair. When 

FED is enabled, you can turn on Repeat Mode.

Auto test


POTS Auto Test Summary

 page displays detailed results of 

the loop current, power influence and voice frequency measurement 

values, pass/fail status, and parameters of the 

POTS Auto Test



Threshold Settings

 button allows you to set values for Loop DC 

Current, Loss, Power Influence, VF Noise and VF/AC Balance.


User Auto Test Summary

 page displays the overall status 

of the tests selected.

•  Test Selection

 button allows you to select the test types to include.


Results are displayed for the following test groups: Multimeter, Noise, Frequency, TDR and 

DRP. Saved Results can be uploaded to an FTP site or USB.

System settings


Display and Language

 provides the setup for backlight, 

information on the title bar, language choice, 



 and enabling screenshots. The 



 tab allows you to connect the 6100-Cu to your 

computer remotely.

•  Date and Time

 sets the date, time, their formats and time 



Battery Info

 displays battery status and power schemes 


Power Save Mode



Software Options

 lists all the 

Configured Options


present on the unit. 



 shows hardware/software/product information.


Upload Setup 

allows you to enable uploading to an FTP 

server using Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Working with the keypad




Home and Help key 

A quick press and release acts as Home. 
Holding for 2 or more seconds activates 
the onboard help or screenshot capture

Start / Stop  test

To access and modify on screen parameters:

Use the arrow keys to select an on-screen item then 


To activate function buttons:

Press the key below the desired Function 

Arrow keys


 Any reference to pushing buttons on the keypad can be replaced in most cases by 

clicking / tapping  the  touchscreen.

Charging the battery

Plug in the power adaptor (9 V, 1.66 A) and wait up to 6-8 hours to completely charge the 

battery or until the Battery Status displays 100 %.

To view the battery status:

1.  From the 


 pane, select 

System Settings

 and press



2.  Select the 

Battery Info

 icon and press


Battery Status

 indicates the current power 

level for the battery, as a percentage.

Copyright © 2020 Radiodetection Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiodetection is a subsidiary of SPX Corporation. 

Radiodetection and 6100 are trademarks of Radiodetection Ltd. Due to a policy of continued development, we 

reserve the right to alter or amend any published specification without notice. This document may not be copied, 

reproduced, transmitted, modified or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Radiodetection Ltd.




Radiodetection Ltd. (UK)

Western Drive, Bristol, BS14 0AF, UK  Tel: +44 (0) 117 976 7776  [email protected]

Radiodetection (USA)

28 Tower Road, Raymond, Maine 04071, USA  
Toll Free: +1 (877) 247 3797  Tel: +1 (207) 655 8525  [email protected]

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Ground / Earth 



Secondary Tip/A and Ring/B connectors

WAN port

Primary Tip/A and Ring/B connectors
