background image


 Sit with back straight, hands on 

floor positioned slightly behind shoulders 
with arms extended and supporting 
upper body. Straighten one leg; bend 
opposite leg and position roller just 
above ankle under back of lower leg 
with heel on floor.


Press hands downward while 

raising buttock slightly off the floor. 
Straighten bent leg, raise heel off floor 
and pull toes backward while pressing 
and rolling lower leg across top of roller. 
Return slowly to start position and repeat.  

l o w e r   l e g   r o l l


 Sit with back straight, hands on 

floor positioned under shoulders with 
arms extended supporting upper body. 
Bend one leg; straighten opposite leg 
and position roller just above knee under 
back of upper leg with heel off floor and 
toes pointed forward.


Press hands downward while 

raising buttocks off the floor. Fully 
straighten leg, pull toes backward, shift 
body forward while pressing and rolling 
upper leg across top of roller. Return 
slowly to start position and repeat. 

u p p e r   l e g   r o l l   ( p o S T e r I o r )


 Lie on stomach with body 

straight, toes on floor with arms bent 
and hands on floor under shoulders. 
Position roller just below hips under front 
of upper leg.


 Press hands downward while 

straightening arms and raising chest 
above floor. Fully straighten arms, keep 
toes on floor, shift body forward while 
pressing and rolling upper leg across top 
of roller. Return slowly to start position 
and repeat. 

u p p e r   l e g   r o l l   ( a n T e r I o r )


• Warm up for 3-5 minutes before each session.
•  Complete 1–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions of each exercise 


•  Rest approximately 30–60 seconds between each   

exercise set.

•  Perform each exercise in a controlled manner, through   

a full range of motion.

•  When applicable, perform an equal number of exercise 

repetitions with each arm/leg to avoid the development of 
muscle imbalances.

•  If unable to complete 8 exercise repetitions through a full 

range of motion, increase rest time between exercise sets 

or decrease repetitions. 

•  If unable to achieve moderate to maximal muscular fatigue 

following the completion of 12 exercise repetitions through 
a full range of motion, decrease rest time between exercise 
sets or increase repetitions.

•  Perform each exercise a minimum of 3 times per week for 

maximum results.

•  Allow 24–48 hours of complete rest between each   

exercise session.

Before beginning this or any other exercise program,  
you should always consult with your doctor or physician.

E X E R C I S E   G U I D E

w w w. s p r i . c o m
