Heart Rate
Cool Down
Target Zone
Workout Phase:
After the stretching and warm-up exercises, begin the 20-30 minute workout phase.
After regular use, the muscles in your legs will become stronger. Keep pushing yourself while it is
very important to maintain a steady tempo throughout. The rate of work should be sufficient to raise
your heart beat into the target zone shown on the graph below.
This stage is to let your cardio-vascular ystem and muscles wind down. This is a repeat of the warm
up exercise e.g. reduce your tempo, continue for approximately 5 minutes.
The stretching exercises should now be repeated, again remembering not to force or jerk your mu-
scles into the stretch. As you get fitter you may need to train longer and harder. It is advisable to train
at least three times a week, and if possible space your workouts evenly throughout the week.
Recovery phase:
This should be at least 12 minutes for most people.