Installation and Maintenance Manual
Field Descriptions
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
Extended Attendant
Enable/disables the ability by this voicemail port to support Extended Attendant. Must be enabled when
using Extended Attendant, VXML Scripts, Ring Back when Free, and Vision Position in Queue and
Estimated Time To Answer announcements.
Enhanced Speech Services Capacity
Defines the maximum number of Enhanced Speech Processing (ESP) calls allowed into this Voicemail
Port. The same number of ESPSession licences must be installed before configuring this field.
Internal Collect Number
Number to be included in SMS message to allow access to voicemail internally.
External Collect Number
Number to be included in SMS message to allow access to voicemail externally.
Text to Speech Voice
Enter either
to determine the voice to be used with VXML and Text-to-Speech. If left blank
will use David.
Require Mailbox Access Code
Enable/Disabled. If enabled all Users will be prompted to enter their Voicemail Access Code when
accessing their voicemail via a dial plan entry using the Voicemail Retrieve action.
Enable Message Call Back
Disabled. Voicemail call back facilities will not be available unless enabled via this field, either
for Internal numbers only or for Internal & External numbers.
Debug page
SMTP / IMAP / Concurrency / IMAP Poll / VXML Data
Enables tracing via Telnet in the voicemail.log
Music Channels
64 characters. This field will indicate when the Music Channel will be used. If this Music Channel is to be
active when a Department call is on hold enter the Department name. If the Music Channel is to be
active when a specific User places a call on hold enter the User Name. If the Music Channel is to be
active when calls to a specific Company are placed on hold enter the Company Name. If the Music
Channel is to be active for all calls placed on hold (unless a specific User or Department or Company
Music Channel exists) enter DefaultHoldMusic.
64 characters. If the message/music is to be stored internally enter the name of the WAV file, stored in
the Admin area of the Call Server, to be played. If this field is left blank the default WAV file will be played
(“Please hold”). Alternatively, if the music/message is being played from an external source enter any
text that does not match the name of a WAV file stored on the Call Server.
Multicast Address
18 characters. The Multicast address of the Call Server, eg