HWTrig/Reset Header
This is an input connector for hardware triggering (HW_Trig) and hardware resetting (HW_Reset). If
HW_Trig is activated, then the device will start running the program (the PulseBlaster device must be
programmed first). If HW_Reset is activated, then the device will be stopped. Pins 1 and 2 are the reset and
trigger signal pins, respectively, and pins 3 and 4 are grounds. The header pinout is shown in the figure
The PulseBlaster requires 3.3 V input signals.
Applying voltages to the input pins that
are greater than 3.3 V or less than 0V
will damage the PulseBlasterESR-PRO-200-cPCI
The external inputs are activated by a transition from logical high to logical low. The input is activated as
long as the voltage remains at logical low (e.g., if HW_Reset is held low, the device will stay in a reset state,
regardless if software or hardware triggers are used). To activate the external inputs, the signal pin must be
shorted to ground, causing the transition. Both of these signals are pulled high to 3.3 V via 10k Ω resistors.
Ground pins are provided next to the signal pins, so activating HW_Trig and HW_Reset is as easy as
connecting the signal pin to a ground pin.
HW_Trigger (pin 2):
When low voltage is detected (e.g., when shorting pins 2 and 4), one of two events
will happen. If the hardware trigger is activated when the program is idle because of a:
WAIT OpCode, then the program will continue to the next instruction.
STOP OpCode or from HW_Reset activation, then the program will restart execution from the beginning of
the program. If the STOP OpCode was used, a HW_Reset or software reset needs to be applied before the
Figure 12 shows an example of the HW_Trigger signal.
Figure 11:
HWTrig/Reset Header pinout. Pin 1
and 2 are the HW_reset and HW_Trig,
respectively. These are pulled high by 10k Ω
resistors. They can be activated by grounding the
signal pin (pin 1 or 2) with a ground pin (pin 3 or