M2i.60xx / M2i.60xx-exp Manual
C/C++ Driver Interface
Borland C++ Builder 32 Bit
Include Driver
The driver files can be easily included in Borland C++ Builder by simply using the library file spcm_win32_bcppb.lib that is delivered together
with the drivers. The library file can be found on the CD in the path /examples/c_cpp/c_header. Please include the library file in your Borland
C++ Builder project as shown in the examples. All functions described below are now available in your program.
The Borland C++ Builder examples share the sources with the Visual C++ examples. Please see above chapter for a more detailed documen-
tation of the examples. In each example directory are project files for Visual C++ as well as Borland C++ Builder.
Linux Gnu C/C++ 32/64 Bit
Include Driver
The interface of the linux drivers does not differ from the windows interface. Please include the spcm_linux.lib library in your makefile to have
access to all driver functions. A makefile may look like this:
The Gnu C/C++ examples share the source with the Visual C++ examples. Please see above chapter for a more detailed documentation of
the examples. Each example directory contains a makefile for the Gnu C/C++ examples.
C++ for .NET
Please see the next chapter for more details on the .NET inclusion.
Other Windows C/C++ compilers 32 Bit
Include Driver
To access the driver, the driver functions must be loaded from the 32 bit driver dll. Most compiler offer special tools to generate a matching
library (e.g. Borland offers the implib tool that generates a matching library out of the windows driver dll). If such a tool is available it is
recommended to use it. Otherwise the driver functions need to loaded from the dll using standard Windows functions. There is one example
in the example directory /examples/c_cpp/dll_loading that shows the process.
Example of function loading:
Other Windows C/C++ compilers 64 Bit
Include Driver
To access the driver, the driver functions must be loaded from 64 bit the driver dll. Most compiler offer special tools to generate a matching
library (e.g. Borland offers the implib tool that generates a matching library out of the windows driver dll). If such a tool is available it is
recommended to use it. Otherwise the driver functions need to loaded from the dll using standard Windows functions. There is one example
in the example directory /examples/c_cpp/dll_loading that shows the process for 32 bit environments. The only line that needs to be mod-
ified is the one loading the DLL:
Example of function loading:
EXECUTABLE = test_prg
LIBS = -lspcm_linux
OBJECTS = test.o\
%.o: %.cpp
$(COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) -o $*.o -c $*.cpp
hDLL = LoadLibrary ("spcm_win32.dll"); // Load the 32 bit version of the Spcm driver
pfn_spcm_hOpen = (SPCM_HOPEN*) GetProcAddress (hDLL, "_spcm_hOpen@4");
pfn_spcm_vClose = (SPCM_VCLOSE*) GetProcAddress (hDLL, "_spcm_vClose@4");
hDLL = LoadLibrary ("spcm_win64.dll"); // Modified: Load the 64 bit version of the Spcm driver here
pfn_spcm_hOpen = (SPCM_HOPEN*) GetProcAddress (hDLL, "spcm_hOpen");
pfn_spcm_vClose = (SPCM_VCLOSE*) GetProcAddress (hDLL, "spcm_vClose");