Option System Star-Hub
Cabling the system components
(c) Spectrum GmbH
The distribution card itself only uses the bus connector to draw the required power, no bus access to the de-
vice is needed. Therefore this card will not be detected by the operating system and does not need any drivers
to be installed.
Setting up slave systems
A slave system Star-Hub setup consists of at
least one M2i card equipped with a Star-Hub
piggy-back module for connecting all the cards
within same slave PC system (including the car-
rier card itself).
The slave system piggy-back module is
equipped with two MMCX connectors to input
clock and trigger information.
For feeding in the returned clock and trigger
signals from the distribution card in the master
system an additional PCI bracket, that holds
two SMB connectors, must be installed.
Any additional cards within the slave system
are then connected internally to the Star-Hub
by using the provided flat-ribbon cables.
This connection does not differ from setting up
a Star-Hub system, without the system synchro-
nization feature.
Connecting the systems
All systems to be synchronized must be connected to the clock
and trigger distribution card, that is mounted within the master
system. The distribution card provides up to 17 copies of the trig-
ger and clock signal coming from the master. For each slave sys-
tem (and also for loopback to the master system itself) two MMCX
to SMB connection cables of identical length are required. The
standard cable length provided is 2 m. Please contact Spectrum
if your application requires different cable lengths.
The 34 MMCX connectors on the bracket are divided up into two
groups with 17 connectors each, labeld „To“ or „Trigger“ for the
trigger outputs and „Co“ or „Clock“ for the clock outputs.
Use the provided cables to connect the SMB connectors on the
Trigger/Clock input bracket of each system to connect to the one
matching connector of the distribution card. Which of the 17 out-
put connectors you use is not of importance, but make sure the
clock outputs are only connected to the clock inputs, and trigger
outputs are only connected to trigger inputs.