Spectralink 84-Series Series Wireless Telephones Administration Guide
September 2016
In particular, note the presence of the
“Unknown” as the SHA1 digest. Additionally, logs like
this may be present:
0804163651|cfg |5|00|Prm|Could not decrypt site-cfg.enc1
When the config files are properly decrypted, the messages like this should appear:
000134.739|so |*|00|Configuration files: [PHONE_MAC_ADDRESS]-ext-
cfg.enc1, site-cfg.enc1 000134.739|so |*|00|Configuration file
"00907a112233-cfg.enc" SHA1 digest:
000134.739|so |*|00|Configuration file " site-cfg.enc1 " SHA1
digest: B4465B48A226DE487445A1519F0D566CDC07BBB3
In addition, messages similar to the following may be present, indicating the file was read and
parameters were parsed:
000134.739|cfg |3|00|Prm|Configuration file(s) statistics: 20
valid parameters found. 000134.739|cfg |3|00|Prm|Configuration
file(s) statistics: 14 parameter values have been used. 6
parameter values were set more than once
Troubleshooting: My phone keeps displaying an error message for my
encrypted file
If a handset downloads an encrypted file that it cannot decrypt, the action is logged,
and an error message displays. The handset will continue to do this until the
provisioning server provides an encrypted file that can be read, an unencrypted file,
or the file is removed from the master configuration file list.
Multiple Key Combinations
You can use multiple key combinations on your Spectralink handsets to reboot the handset, to
restore the handset to factory default values, or to upload log files from the handset to your
provisioning server.
Rebooting the Phone
Rebooting the handset downloads new software and new configuration files if they exist on the
provisioning server.
Timesaver: Download new configuration files without rebooting your phone
Not all configuration parameter changes require the handset to restart or reboot.
You can update your handset
’s configuration by navigating to
Update Configuration
. If there is new software (different version) on
the provisioning server, the handset will restart or reboot to download the software.
If there are configuration file changes, your handset will only restart if it is