1-Insert the lower decoupling cone (the one with the brand name)into the mast
measuring the distance h2 from the topof the mast. Insert the polyethelyne disc
into the cone fom the bottom of the mast to be centered.Adjust the clamp
Remove paint, oxid or anodized (if aluminum) and apply silicon grease to insure
a good electrical contactbetween the mast and the decoupling cones.
2-Insert the polyethelyne disc and after insert the cone and repeat the operation as in
the lowercone measuring the distance h1from the top of the mast.Both cones must be
placed with sheet metal unions simmetrically.
3-Pass the transmission lin RG-8or RG213 with the PL 259 through the mast and attach
to the recessed connector of upper radiator tigthening with hands.
4-Place the upper radiator base sleeve into the mast and tighten the three screw set.
Insert the rod into the upper radiator and measure the distance h3 from the base of the
lower decoupling.cone and secure the joint with the small clamp provided .
NOTE: The Spectral Isopole 144 is easy to tune simply by following the dimensions
provided with the tuning chart. If an SWR meter is available and it is desidered to tune
to the exact frequency, simply extend the dimension h3 between the upper radiator
and the upper cone equally to decrease the frequency of resonanace, and decrease
the distance h3 to increase the frequency of resonance.The lower cone must conserve
always the same distance to the upper cone: 65cm or 25-1/2 in.
*Never turn the upper radiator. Internal parts can be broken.
*Never use pliers or force tools to adjust the connector. This procedure must be
performed with hands.
*Never hold the antenna with hands or ropes taking it from the radiator.Perform
this operation taking it from the bas of the connector or from under the clamp
of the upper cone.
*Adjust the decoupling cones clamps with a reasonable torque. A poor electrical
contact between the mast and the cones can cause noise and a poor performance
of the antenna
Technical support on line:
* The antenna should be mounted so as clear sorrounding objects as much as possible,
a high location is desiderable.Be sure to muount the antenna so it will neither touch
or be able to fall with power wiring.
VHF 144
IsoPole is a Hi-Quality product and has been designed to ofer the maximum performance for the application
required.It must be mounted in a metal mast of at least 22 mm (7/8")of internal diameter, to pass a PL-259 connector,and
no more than 32 mm (1.25")of external diameter The minimun mast length is3 meter(10 feet) for amateur frequencies .
INSTRUCTIONS ASSEMBLY (Use gloves to avoid metal cuts)
Visit our website:
www.isopole.com or
contact us:
Amateur Frequency Chart
Mhz h1 h2 h3
144 to 148 1,27 1,92 2,54
50 75-1/2 100
Dimensions expressed in meters
*Dimensions expressed in inches
Specification or changes without previous notice
or obligation .
Handcrafted in America!
ted in America!
ted in America!
ted in America!
ted in America!