Device Management
NVR User Manual
Device Management
13.1 Network Configuration
13.1.1 TCP/IP Configuration
Click Start
TCP/IP to go to the following interface. Check “Obtain an IPv4 address automatically”, “Obtain an IPv6 address
automatically” and “Obtain DNS automatically” to get the network addresses automatically, or manually enter the network addresses. You can modify
the MTU value according to the network condition (MTU, Maximum Transmission Unit, can be modified according to network condition for higher
network transmission efficiency). Click “Apply” to save the settings.
Internal Ethernet Port
If you use the NVR with the PoE network ports, click “Internal Ethernet Port” to go to the following interface.
The internal Ethernet port is the port which connects all the PoE ports with the NVR system. The PoE ports are available if the internal Ethernet port
is online; if it is offline, all the PoE ports will be unavailable, may be the internal Ethernet port is broken. The network addresses of the internal
Ethernet port can be changed to make the port in the same network segment with the IP cameras which directly connect to the PoE ports of the
NVR (it is not recommended to change the network addresses of the internal Ethernet port).
Mode: Non-long line mode or long line mode can be selectable. The non-line mode is the default setting. If the transmission performance of your
network cables connected the PoE ports and IPC are not so good or these network cables are very long, you can choose long line mode.
13.1.2 Port Configuration
Click Start
Port to go to the interface as shown below. Enter the HTTP port, HTTPS port, server port and RTSP port of the NVR,
enable “Anonymous” as needed and then click “Apply” button to save the settings.