Remote backup for model DVRPC16PT
www.specotech.com • 1.800.645.5516
Remote Backup on the DVRPC16T
(Cloud Archiving)
Remote Backup is a tool that is on the CD that comes with the DVRPC16T. This tool will allow a user to pull data off of the DVR’s database
from a remote location. This cloud archiving tool allows a user to configure what time this archiving happens and what data gets pulled
off of the database. This tool can be used locally to the DVR from a remote location.
Remote Backup is purely for backing up the *.dvr file from the DVR server. You can select between Auto Backup and Manual Backup.
Auto Backup continuously archives one hour of the recorded data at a time, starting from the specified date. As for Manual Backup,
it only archives the recorded data of selected date.
To back up the data, you must have at least 2G hard disk space.
To back up the recorded data from the DVR server:
• Make sure you are connected to the internet.
• Click Start >> Programs >> DVR >> Web Tool >> Remote iBackup
• To add the DVR server, click Add
• In the Add New DVR windows, enter the Name, IP, user ID, and password.
• Select the Backup mode:
Auto Backup mode:
The backup will automatically execute when the setup is completed.
• In Begin Date drop down calendar, select the date from where to start.
• Click Add
to set the storage path.
• Click Delete
to remove the selected storage path.
• Click Schedule
to select/unselect the time you want to backup.
The red block turns white when it is unselected.
• Enable/disable Disk Recycle
check box, to automatically overwrite the
oldest file when there is not enough free space to backup the file.
Manual Backup mode:
The backup progress will start when user presses the backup button.
• Click File Select
to choose the date,
time and camera you want to back up.
• Click Browse
to set the storage path.
(continued on next page)