Quick Reference Guide
Speco Technologies D16CS DVR
Front Panel and Rear Panel
Event Action Settings
The Clip-Copy screen can be used to copy video to an internal
DVD RW, or external USB hard disk or flash drives. The clip copy
can be simply done by pressing the “Copy” button on the front panel,
or selecting Clip-Copy or EZ Copy in the Search menu.
The Clip Copy feature
requires the camera title or number
along with the date and time of the
recorded images to be copied.
To view the copied images,
remove the disk from the
DVD RW device and insert it into
any PC with a CD or DVD reader.
On the PC access the CD or DVD
drive device and select the image
file name. The executable Clip
Player software program will
open automatically displaying
playback controls for viewing
the video clip.
EZ Setup
1. Go to <System> <EZ Setup> to display the EZ Setup screen.
The EZ Setup screen can only be accessed when logged
on as the admin user.
2. Select either EZ Record or EZ Network and select the Next button
to start the selected setup.
3. If you selected the EZ Record, selecting the Next button starts the
EZ Record.
EZ Record Setup
1. If you selected the EZ Record,
selecting the Next button starts
the EZ Record.
2. Set the system date/time and
select the date / time format.
3. Set the time zone.
It can be selected on the map.
4. Set the system to use
daylight saving time.
5. Select the desired recording mode from: Motion Event
Record Continuous & Motion Event Record, and
Continuous Record.
6. Select the desired video quality profile from: HVQPP, SRP
and LRTPP.
7. Select the Finish button to finish the EZ Record and select the
Go to EZ Network button to start the EZ Network.
EZ Network Setup
1. If you selected the
Go to EZ Network,
select the Next
button to start
the EZ Network.
2. Select whether or
not your DVR is
connected to the
3. Select between Auto
Configuration and
Manual Configuration
for network
4. Select the Test button
to test the network
configuration you
The network configuration you set should be tested by selecting
Test, otherwise the Next button cannot be selected, and you cannot
move to the next step.
5. Select the Use DVR
Name Service box to
use the DVR Name
6. Enter the IP address
or domain name of the
DVRNS server.
7. Set the port number
of the DVRNS server.
8. Select the Use NAT
box to use the NAT
(Network Address
Translation) device.
9. Enter the DVR name
to be registered on the
DVRNS server.
10. Select the Check
box to check whether
or not the name you
can be used.
11. Select the Finish
button to finish the
EZ Setup
3. Go to <Event>
< System Event > to
display the System
Event setup screen.
4. In the System Event
Actions screen, you can
set the actions
(Alarm-Out and Notify)
the DVR will take when
it detects system events.
1. Go to <Event> <Alarm-In, Motion Detection,
Video Loss, Video Blind, Text-In> to display
the Event Setting and Actions setup screens.
2. In each Event Actions screen, you can set the actions
(Record, Alarm-Out, Notify, PTZ, Spot Monitor and
Digital Deterrent) the DVR will take whenever it
senses alarm input, detects motion, loses video,
detects video blind and senses text input.
on purchasing your new CS DVR.
We hope that this Quick Reference Guide will help you quickly
setup and configure your new Speco Technologies DVR.
Thank you!
Menu Button
Copy Button
Esc Button
Play/Stop Button
Camera Buttons
Arrow Buttons
Play/Pause Button
Power LED
USB Port
Video Input
Audio In/Out
Factory Reset Switch
Video Out
Network Port
RS485 Port
Alarm In/Out
Network Port
Factory Reset Switch
Customer Service: 1.800.645.5516 • www.specotech.com