Sovereign AH5G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

In s ta lla tio n a n d O p e r a tin g In s tr u c tio n s


Oven & Hob Pack Model


Pack AOHP60DSS5G comprises SBIO60DSSE Oven + AH5G Hob
Pack SOHP60DSS5G comprises SBIO60DSSE Oven + SH5G Hob

P lease read these instructions carefully before attem pting to install or use this appliance.

It is a d v is a b le to k e e p th e s e in s tru c tio n s in a s a fe p la c e fo r fu tu re re fe re n c e .

Содержание AH5G

Страница 1: ...del References Pack AOHP60DSS5G comprises SBIO60DSSE Oven AH5G Hob Pack SOHP60DSS5G comprises SBIO60DSSE Oven SH5G Hob Please read these instructions carefully before attempting to install or use this...

Страница 2: ...ference Included is some important safety information in addition to guidelines and recommendations that will enable you to take full advantage of all the functions available This quality appliance ha...

Страница 3: ...line on 01527 573010 The appliance will be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer s discretion at no cost to you If the guarantee has elapsed you will be given a quotation for any repairs or parts r...

Страница 4: ...D escrip tio n O f T h e A ppliance 3 0kw Burner 3 75kw Burner 1 75kw Burner 1 75kw Burner 1 0kw Burner Stainless Steel Surface Control Knobs Pan Supports x 3 3...

Страница 5: ...CONTENTS Section 1 Installation Section 2 Safety Advice Section 3 Operating the Appliance Section 4 Maintenance 4...

Страница 6: ...e T h e L aw states th at g as ap p lian ce s m u st b e in stalled b y a fu lly q u alified G as E n g in ee r R e m o ve a ll p a cka g in g m a te ria ls a n d a n y p ro te ctive film a p p lie d...

Страница 7: ...provided on the appliance data plate S ec tio n 2 S a fe ty A dvice Take care when installing your hob as non exposed edges may be sharp N e ve r a llo w c h ild re n to p la y w ith th is a p p lia n...

Страница 8: ...n d p re s s th e ig n itio n b u tto n u n til th e b u rn e r lig h ts W h e n th e b u rn e r h a s lit a d ju s t th e fla m e in te n s ity to th e d e s ire d s e ttin g U se pans that have a t...

Страница 9: ...W h e n th e a b o ve p a rts a re re m o ve d cle a n th e a re a a ro u n d th e b u rn e r b o d y w ith w a rm so a p y w a te r G e n tly c le a n a ro u n d th e in je cto r a n d sp a rk e le c...

Страница 10: ...ol knob down until the burner is alight See Section 3 Ensure that the burner cap and skirt are correctly positioned on the burner body See Section 4 1 If after th e ab o ve ch e cks th e re is still a...

Страница 11: ...s appliance m ay not be treated as household w aste Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipm ent Disposal m ust be carri...
