TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
a different tool (like a counter bore) you would just start again at step 1 above. This
starts a new event group that you will define with different information.
Click Pocket to program the larger circle in the middle of the part. You will be asked if
you want to chain. Since the pocket is defined by a circle it doesn’t matter if you click
Yes or No, chaining is not relevant. Click one of them now.
Click on the circle. It changes to purple, indicating that it is now a Pocket event.
Click Event and answer the prompts to complete the event.
Click Event again to get back to the full screen view of the geometry and the Select
Event prompt. Now all the interior features of the part should be green and the
periphery white.
Click on Profile. It will ask you if you want to chain. Click Yes.
Chaining simply defines your event groups automatically. If you want to define them
yourself, click No. The only difference is that you will have to click on all the lines and arcs in
succession. For a small profile like this, it is not a big deal. A profile made up of dozens of lines
and arcs would make the chaining feature more useful.
Click on the first line of the profile. The ProtoTRAK will machine the part in the order you
select the events.
Click on the second line. This will tell the DXF Converter which direction you want to go.
Once you do that, the rest of the profile is done for you.
Click Event and fill in the prompts.
Click Event again. You will be back at the full screen graphics and the entire part will be
drawn in green.
Click End DXF. The DXF Converter turns off and the system reverts back to regular
ProtoTRAK operation.
You may want to save the part program under a different name after it has been
converted. In the Program In/Out Mode, press Save. The file will be the same name,
unless you change it, but the extension (shown in SAVE AS) will now be our in our
ProtoTRAK format, which saves the events you just created. You can also change the file
name in the Program Mode.
3.8 Creating a DXF File from a ProtoTRAK Program
When you have a program in the current memory of your ProtoTRAK control, you can save the
program geometry as a DXF file. The DXF file can then be transferred to a CAD system to note
any shop floor changes made, or as a reverse engineering tool.