HANDLER interface structure
1. +24VD: +24Vdc power supply inside the instrument, COM1 at the low end. The
output current is
. When the POWER JMP is short-circuited, it provides a pull-up power supply for the output
optocoupler, and an external LED can also be used for indication.
EXTV1: The external input port controls the power supply, and the low end is COM1. This pin can
be connected to +24VD or an external 8-24V power supply. The internal current of the instrument is
When this power supply is not connected
, the output optocoupler is only the
polar switch
signal (C/E pole current direction)
on the secondary side of the optocoupler.
The input signal of
the interface is invalid.
E5V: Instrument input optocoupler power supply, generated by EXTV1 regulation. Used to give the
input signal optocoupler power supply, the input signal is invalid when there is no such power supply.
INTLOCK: is the instrument online lock.
The instrument cannot start the high voltage output
when disconnected here.
The START and STOP signals form a remote input control.
Valid for shorting on COM1
The TEST, PASS, FAIL, and DANGER signals form a remote output control, and the optocoupler
pulls up the output signal. The specific effective state can be customized by the user,
the default is
active low, and the optocoupler secondary side is turned on.
The instrument is equipped with ST9010-IL at the factory. The connection method is short-circuited
with the thick lead (POWER JMP) and (INTLOCK JMP) as shown above, and the other is left
HANDLER Control Interface Main Signal Timing Description
Control interfaces are typically used for remote control and test synchronization or indication. The
external connections of the interface are as follows: