ST2523 Series Operation Manual Ver1.2
Chapter 7
SCPI Command Reference
1. Data Conventions of This Manual
NR1: integer, for example:123
NR2: fixed number, for example: 12.3
NR3: floating number, for example: 12.3E+5
NL: CR character, integer: 10
^END: EOI (end) signal of IEEE-488 bus.
ST2523 Subsystem Commands
●DISPlay ●TRIGger
●FUNCtion ●FETCh? ●Mass MEMory
DISPlay Subsystem Commands
DISPlay subsystem commands are mainly used to set the instrument display page.
The :DISPlay? query returns the current page.
Command Tree:
The :PAGE command sets the display page.
The DISPlay:PAGE? qurey returns the current page.
Command Syntax: DISPlay:PAGE <page name>
Functions of <page name> are as follows:
Set the display page to the basic measurement.
Set the display page to bin comparator.
TSWEEP Set the display page to trace sweep.
STATistics Set the display page to statistics.
Set the display page to measurement setup.