ST2515 Operation Manual
<NR1> = 1 or 0
1: the measurement fault detection time setup “AUTO” ON
0: the measurement fault detection time setup “AUTO” OFF
The :CALibration:MODE command sets the instrument self-calibration mode selection.
The :CALibration:MODE? query returns to the current self-calibration mode.
Command syntax:
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNC:CALibration:MODE AUTO”); Set the instrument self-calibration
mode as AUTO.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: :CALibration:MODE?
Return format: <AUTO or MANU><NL^END>
The :OVC command sets the instrument offset voltage compensation state.
The :OVC? Query returns to the current setstate.
Command syntax:
ON (1)
OFF (0)
Character 1 (integer:49) means ON.
Character 0 (integer: 48) means OFF.
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNCtion:OVC ON”); Set the instrument offset voltage compensation
state as “ON”.
Query syntax: FUNCtion: FUNCtion:OVC?
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
<NR1> = 1 or 0
1: the offset voltage compensation state is “ON”.
0: the offset voltage compensation state is “OFF”.
APERture Subsystem Commands
The APERture subsystem commands are mainly used to set the measurement speed and the
average times used in measurement.
The APERture? query returns to the current measurement speed and average times used in
Command Tree: