Sound Performance Lab: Tel. +49 216 398 340, Fax +49 216 398 3420, Mail: [email protected], Internet: www.soundperformancelab.org
©2002 SPL electronics GmbH. All rights reserved, subject to change without notice, E&OE. All brands quoted are trademarks of the respective owners. (9.02)
The Charisma 8 is a tube processor whose
sophisticated circuitry enables extensive con-
trol over the tube sound characteristics.
In other words, it is a tube sound instrument
that doesn’t produce just the “usual tube
sound”, but is also capable of effects that
resemble the tape saturation of analog tape
machines: the signals gain more impact and
punch, so that especially in the case of per-
cussive instruments it is no longer necessary
to record to an analog machine. At the same
time level peaks can be captured by optimally
exploiting the headroom of digital recorders
resulting in a signifi cant gain in loudness at
the same electrical level. The sound image
becomes more transparent, and a mix pre-
pared using the Charisma 8 has improved per-
ception of depth.
Voices can also be very effectively proc-
essed, to make them rougher and earthier for
example. In a dense mix the voices gain pen-
etration and presence.
Dance/Techno producers fi nd the Charisma
a practical tool for distorting snare, bass drum
or lead sounds, MIDI guitar parts fi nally sound
reasonable, and truly impressive sounds can
be created using virtually any synthesizer.
It’s that easy
The operational design of the Charisma is
simple in its concept: each of the eight chan-
nels has three potentiometers for controlling
the drive, tube sound variation and the output
Charisma 8
Model 9527
The Charisma 8 is used ideally while record-
ing from the recorder – recording the optimised
signal saves rework and takes full advantage of
the digital headroom.
Specifi cations
Inputs & Outputs
Instrumentation amplifi er, electronically balanced
(differential), transformerless
Nominal input level
+6 dB
Input impedance
22 kOhm
Output impedance
600 Ohm
Max. input level
+24 dBu
Reference level variable
Minimum load
600 Ohm
Hard bypass switch
Measured data
Frequency response (40kHz = -3dB)
30 Hz-40 kHz
Common mode rejection -80 dBu @ 1kHz
THD & N (K2 max. 35%)
0.41% @ 1 kHz
S/N CCIR 468-2
-89 dBu
Power supply
Toroidal transformer
50 VA
Fuse 1000 mA
GND lift switch, voltage selection switch 115 V / 230 V
Standard EIA 19”/2U
482 x 88 x 237 mm
Weight 4
Martin Hömberg,
Audio Professional (D)
“Of all the studio tube
processors I am familiar
with, the transitions from
‘clean’ through ‘saturation’
and ‘smoky’ to roughened
characteristics like ‘crunch’
and ‘overdrive’ are here by
far the easiest and most log-
ical to control.”
Ralf Kleinermanns,
Keyboards (D)
“The wide range of process-
ing effects, extending from
clearly audible tube distor-
tions, coupled with tube-
type hard or soft knee
compression, also turns the
Charisma into an outstand-
ing multi-distorter in mix-
down, and this application
makes it as interesting for
applications in analog
recording systems as for
pure keyboard setups.”
Walter Wehrhan,
Production Partner (D)
“A warning from the Min-
istry of Audio: Charisma is
addictive! Signals process
with Charisma get more
presence, more punch, the
sound image of a mix
becomes more transparent;
each instrument can be
clearly placed.”