DocNr.: 03-4655 R03.01 | 22.09.2015 | en-US | Ultrasonic Generator
Ending treatment
7 Reprocessing
After each treatment the ultrasonic generator as well as all instruments and accesso-
ries used must be cleaned and disinfected. All instruments and the instrument cable
must then be sterilized.
Reprocessing the instruments and the instrument cable is not described in these in-
structions for use. Follow the relevant instructions for use for reprocessing the instru-
ments and the instrument cable.
Accessories that must be cleaned and disinfected after each treatment include the
power cord, the potential equalization cable and the foot switch with cable.
Disposable accessories such as the irrigation tubing must be disposed of in accor-
dance with regulations.
Prior to reprocessing, turn off the ultrasonic generator and disconnect the power cord
from the main power supply.
Reprocessing of the ultrasonic generator and the accessories comprises two main
Only use disinfectants recommended by the Association for Applied Hygiene (VAH).
Also follow the guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).
out.fm Seite 35 Dienstag, 22. September 2015 3:24 15