1. PCG-V505 Series Troubleshooting
should be performed as a last resort since the customer’s data files will be lost. Any upgrades and service
packs will also need to be downloaded and installed to bring the OS up to date.
2. Application Recovery: If any of the application programs originally supplied with the computer are
inadvertently removed, or become corrupted, they can be re-installed with this utility. This feature can be
run from Windows®.
3. Drivers: Contains backup copies of the necessary drivers originally installed on the computer.
Each recovery CD must match the Sony model for which it was made. When the discs are inserted, they match
a code embedded on the CD with a reserved area of the BIOS known as DMI. If they do not match, the process
will halt and notify you of a mismatch. If the customer is unable to provide the original recover CD set, the correct
ones must be ordered. Part numbers for the correct CDs can be found on the ESI Website by searching the
particular model.
Once the correct CD is inserted, the installation menu will launch and guide you through the necessary steps to
complete the task.
BIOS Password Reset
Unlike previous Sony laptops, the BIOS password cannot be reset by removing the backup battery and all power
sources. There are no jumper connectors. The only way to reset the password if the customer has forgotten it is
to send the unit to Sony. The password can only be reset with a proprietary utility program and there are no plans
to release this to the general customer or service population.
Display Problems
No Video
If the computer powers up and the hard drive indicator shows activity but nothing appears on the display, it is
likely that the LCD display is malfunctioning. Plugging and external monitor to check for display is a useful tool to
further isolate the LCD panel. If an external monitor cannot generate a display, the problem lies within the video
driver circuits. This is rare since a failed video driver will not pass the POST event. There are three possible
causes of a LCD panel to not generate a display:
1. The LCD harness has become loose from the video driver board or panel. This may be integrated with
the motherboard. Check the cable connection at the driver source and within the LCD panel assembly.
Disassembly procedures are covered in Chapter 2 of this manual.
2. The fluorescent backlight is not lighting. Depending upon ambient lighting conditions, it may not be easy
to determine if the backlight is lit. The backlight starts as soon as POST is completed when the Sony logo
should appear. One trick that usually works quite well is to move the LCD display and view it at various
angles. If the LCD pixels are being activated, you will be able to see a faint image of the display caused
by the external lighting passing through the pixels and reflecting outward. If this can be seen, the lamp or
high-voltage driver is not working.
3. The LCD panel is defective. If no pixel activity can be seen, as mentioned above, the LCD process
circuits are not working. This can be further verified by plugging in an external monitor. The panel must
be replaced.