• [3.5 × 5 Qty], [4 × 6 Qty], [5 × 7 Qty], [6 × 8 Qty],
[8 × 10/8 × 12 Qty]
Set the quantity of each output service printed when
using the value package in the text boxes above.
Touch a text box to highlight it, and then use the
keypad to type the desired value (range 0 to 99). To
apply the desired value, touch the [Apply] button.
• [CD Creation], [Index Print]
With these settings [ON], the output services above
can be selected when using the value package. Touch
the setting buttons to enable ([ON]) or disable ([OFF])
the output service.
Portrait Package
This package allows you to print the same picture in
multiple sizes. You can make changes to the package
price, and quantity for each size.
Volume Discount
For each print size, you can set volume discounts on the
price per print based on the quantity to be printed.
• [Base]
This column shows the price per print before any
discount is applied.
• [1st Qty], [2nd Qty]
Set the quantity beyond which the discount applies.
When the volume printed exceeds the quantity set
here, the price per print is discounted to the value set
for [Price]. You can set a second volume discount
under [2nd Qty] for when the volume printed is higher
than the quantity set for [1st Qty].
• [Price]
Set the price per print to be applied when the volume
printed exceeds the quantities input for [1st Qty] and
[2nd Qty].
[Templates] Tab
On this tab, you can import and delete templates for use
in creative printing.
• [Imported categories]
This box shows the list of imported templates.
• [Menu Display]
This box shows the list of templates that are displayed
on the creative printing menu. You can display up to
18 templates on the creative printing menu.
• [Import] button
When you touch the [Import] button, it takes you to
the screen for installing templates from a CD or
“Memory Stick”. Follow the instructions that appear
to complete the operation.
• [Delete] button
This button allows you to delete templates from the
[Imported categories] list. Select the template to delete
from the [Imported categories] list and touch the
[Delete] button.
• [Load] button
This button allows you to add templates to the creative
printing menu. Select the template to add from the
[Imported categories] list and touch the [Load] button.
• [Unload] button
This button allows you to remove templates from the
creative printing menu. Select the template to remove
from the [Menu Display] list and touch the [Unload]
• [Priority Order]
Touch these buttons to change the order of templates
displayed in the creative printing menu.
• [Default print size]
Set the default print size for creative printing.
For details about how to install templates, contact your
[Accounting] Tab
On this tab, you can specify the information that you
want on your receipts. You can also import a logo for
your receipts and make other receipt-related settings.